Sep 30, 2022
We can keep our kids pro-life! Elizabeth Johnston is a mother of TEN who shares her wisdom and experience with Kristan Hawkins in this episode of Explicitly Pro-Life. Elizabeth knows that parents are facing serious challenges from a culture that doesn't want pro-life parents to win — but we still can.
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Sep 28, 2022
The abortion pill is literally prescribed to kill people, and yet it is less regulated than female Viagra. Make it make sense.
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Sep 23, 2022
The Bible is very clear on the murder of the innocent: It is so important to God that the innocent be protected that he put it in the Ten Commandments, Thou Shalt Not Kill. Yet the tragic reality of sin is that we live in a culture where killing the innocent is pervasive through abortion. How do believers reconcile...
Sep 21, 2022
Let’s face it: The mainstream media, social media, most colleges, and much of the public school system are working AGAINST our efforts to raise pro-life kids who will stay pro-life for their WHOLE life. They want you to lose. But there are many ways to prevent that from happening. Here are THREE KEY STEPS to keep your...
Sep 16, 2022
The Democrat agenda on abortion is extreme — and it's out of touch with normal people. John Zmirak joins us today to break down where things went off the rails with the Democrats' abortion agenda and why we should continue to reject it. From the Marquis de Sade to CNN anchors, the characters who show up in this...