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Explicitly Pro-Life

Sep 23, 2023

If you ever wondered if there is a difference in medical care between pro-abortion OB-GYNs and pro-life OB-GYNs, then look no further than this special episode of Explicitly Pro-Life!

Dr. Christina Francis, the CEO of AAPLOG and a Board-Certified OB-GYN, goes through pregnancy complication stories we see every day in...

Sep 15, 2023

Whether we are discussing same sex marriage, reproductive technologies, adoption, and even foster care, it seems we have commodified children and even weaponized their greatest wounds for selfish and political gains.

For example, adoption does not exist to give adults a child. Rather, the child is the client and their...

Sep 8, 2023

There is an increase in maternal mortality rates? We need more abortion. There is an OBGYN shortage? We need more abortion... says only the abortion lobby... The OBGYN shortage and maternal mortality rates are incredibly nuanced issues and you will find out abortion is actually a variable contributing to both issues!...

Sep 1, 2023

Join me behind the scenes during our Standing With Her Sunday National Simulcast that was live-streamed to dozens of churches and hundreds of small groups across the nation! Our goal is to equip the church to respond to the crisis of abortion because far too many women who seek abortions attend church regularly but...